About Us
Our team has a wealth of experience in a wide range of General Aviation types, these include Extra, Gamebird GB1, Cessna, Tecnam, Piper, Pitts, Eurocopter, Robinson Helicopters, Guimbal, McDonald Douglas and more!
We pride ourselves in the overhaul, repair, maintenance and support of high performance aerobatic aircraft.
We supply international support and maintenance for Nigel Lamb, Aerobatic Displays Ltd and his Breitling sponsored team.
We work closely with Aviat UK carrying out assembly of new and used Pitts and Husky aircraft as well as maintenance of a large number of Pitts Special aircraft.

Air Training Services recognise the importance of providing opportunities for passionate young people keen to enter aviation, as it has done from its early days and is pleased to offer engineering Work Experience at its facility.
We work closley with the Buckinhamshire Education Business Partnership to achive this aim and our policy is to expand this area and give more opportunities to school leavers and those keen to enter aviation.
If you would like more information on the above please contact us.
Chief Engineer and Airworthiness Manager – Luke McMillan
Hangar Supervisor – Gary Knight
Airworthiness Assistant – Skye Atkinson
Engineer – Colin Chapman
Engineer – Ashley Essex
Engineer – Lee Shah
Engineer – James Laker